Sunday, 31 January 2010

Get thee to a Nunnery!

Title lovingly stolen from the wonderful Probably Jane with whom I have spent the weekend.
Two years ago I decided to learn to knit, not long after that I discovered The Yarn Yard, very shortly afterwards I joined Ravelry and was invited to join The Garden Shed where all of Natalie's wonderful customers hang out.
Over those 2 years I've had the pleasure of being in the company of a truly amazing group of women. They've laughed with me in the good times, consoled me through the bad times, held my hands through many of life's trials, and been in many ways my inspiration. I've met most of them in person at various events, though we have never all been in the same place at the same time.
This weekend most of us managed to go to The Bar Convent in York.
We've laughed, w've talked, we raised money for p/hop, we taught each other new skills, we inspired each other.

My life would be poorer without them, and I am so grateful and honoured to know such a wonderful group of women!


(Jane, how much will you donate for me to take this down!)

1 comment:

  1. Ratbag! All my food money for a year after seeing my spare tyre!

    Lovely post though - we are all very lucky to know each other.
