Saturday, 28 August 2010

The Beach

Just before I left my parents house we took the dogs down to the beach. The dogs love it here, particularly when they find an abandoned oar to carry around.... a stick, but a giant stick.... life can't get any better!


Particularly when it's so big that you can carry it together!


And then there are the pools to swim in, we're not sure of the sea yet, but Gwen loves swimming, we practically have to drag her out. Meg however is a little less certain, mostly because she can't actually swim. Her swimming involves leaping out out the water repeatedly, it looks hilarious.


When I'm re-incarntaed I want to come back as my parents dogs!

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

The Island

I am no longer sick, but am still obviously a little bit not with it as I just wrote a post telling you all about The Cloisters and then realised I had already told you about it....

Instead I'm going to tell you about what happened after I left New York. I met up with some friends from the Harry Potter Knitting and Crochet House Cup. One of them very kindly offered us use of her summer house on an island in the middle of a lake, and it was beautiful.
There are no cars on the island, just 15 houses, and the main event of the day was the visit of the mail boat. It was the perfect antidote to an over dose of the city!

There was a lot of this....
A little of this...
Some swimming
A visit by one of these
A little bit of walking
and surrounded by beautiful views

Monday, 23 August 2010

Keeping it brief

I'm ill today and after a morning of throwing up I don't feel capable of stringing a sentence together so we'll just make do with some pretty photos from a walk 2 days ago. Enjoy.


