They spend most of their time rampaging through the sheep field behind the house. They gave the sheep a few scares at first, but they seem to get along fine now. Give them a call though, and they scuttle back through the fence at great speed. They can pick up a fair pace if they use a bit of wing assistance. For such little birds they eat a huge amount, and every time they see you they expect a treat of some sort!
Boyo the cockerel does a great job at keeping them all in order. He takes great delight in finding something yummy and calling his favourites over. He doesn't really crow that much, but the noise the girls make more than compensates. For such little chickens they are incredibly loud, and they talk to each other almost constantly.
The weather here has been dreadful for the past few days so they spent lots of time hiding in their house. We set it up with the door facing away from the prevailing wind, but of course, this week, the wind had blown down the valley, not up, so they've had rather a lot of rain blowing in. A wet and bedraggled bantam is capable of looking very miserable!