I am generally quite bad at being shown how to do things, I like to teach myself, and have to fight out my inner demons and struggle through things.
I sort of taught myself to crochet but whenever I looked at crochet patterns my mind went blank, they might as well have been in clingon! I had seen a pattern for squares using crochet that I really liked the look of, so asked at York if anyone could teacher me to make them.
I came away with this...
Not perfect, and I want to make it bigger, but still it's crochet, and I can now follow instructions!
Thanks Melinda, you were a wonderful teacher.
You're welcome, Katie. You were an attentive learner and I look forward to seeing many more crochet things on your blog and on Ravelry. You might even make an inroad into your stash (hope for us all there). Best wishes, MJ