Saturday, 10 April 2010


Sometimes your life just seems to take on a certain colour theme. Two days after I finished tinkering with the colours on here, this arrived through the door.
April Fibre club

The latest fibre club instalment from Natalie at the Yarn Yard, lets hope I get to see more blue over the next week as I'm off on holiday camping in Pembrokeshire.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Lots to talk about, but lets start slowly, life is going at a slower pace right now thankfully, so here's a few things that are making me feel refreshed today.
Raspberry and white chocolate cheesecake
Raspberry and white chocolate baked cheesecake, made for my boyfriends birthday, but now keeping me going while he's away skiing. Recipe can be found here
Favourite yarns and fibres arranged in a casserole pot that I bought last time I went skiing. (Some Socks that Rock, Yarn Yard fibre, and Misti Alpaca for the interested)
Yarn casserole
Some tulips that are now on their last legs but add a splash of colour.
A cardigan made by Wrenmontgomery (from Ravelry) that doesn't fit her but she hoped would fit me, it doesn't but I'm hopeful it will fit my Mum.