Saturday, 24 March 2012

Nodding in the sunshine

Summer appears to have arrived a little early this year....
Last year we had our hottest weather in April, this year it's come even earlier and March is being glorious. The garden here had been neglected for many years, but sometime in the past someone had planted loads of daffodils in our garden. They fill the front garden, and are planted all along the fence at the back of the house. 

Some are the very simple classic shape, but some are more frilly, and silly looking. I never really though Daffodils had a scent, but when you have this many in flower all at once they smell glorious.

A few of them are in a vase brightening up my living room, and a few of them were used to make this.

Naturally dyed Shetland/Silk. It's listed in the shop now. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Playing on the beach

A trip to the beach always blows the cobwebs away. Nothing like a Welsh beach in March to have you reaching for your hat and gloves!
Days like this are exactly why I want some mittens with flap tops, gloves are essential, but picking up a soggy tennis ball while wearing them is a bad idea!

And Meg really does want her tennis ball thrown, lots, and lots, and just one more time, and the next time...

The dogs love playing in the waves, though scaredy cat Meg won't go out f her depth, she loves water, but only when her feet are firmly planted on the bottom.

The dogs enjoy the wide open space, and this time of year we get the beach mostly to ourselves, come summer the place gets busier, but if you pick your days carefully you can still find a quiet spot.