Sunday 11 March 2012

Chicken herding

Warning, this is yet another chicken based post (I promise I've got a spinning based post in the pipeline)

Now the chickens have got used to their surroundings we've let them out of their run for a peck around the garden. We've had a wet couple of days here so almost the first thing they did when I let them out was go and sun themselves in the dry on top of their house.

We've only got little legs, so a quick wing flap assistance is required! 

Once we're up there it was time to make sure we were looking pretty.

And then pose for the camera

After that it's time to go in search of breakfast

Final gratuitous shot of our very handsome cockerel, Mum has decided he's called Boyo, pronounced in your best Welsh accent for full effect! We're still working on names for the girls, not helped by the fact that 3 of them are impossible to tell apart, the black one is of course easy, and the one who's laying the eggs is a bit more mature, but the others will soon catch her up.

We put them in a run on one of the raised beds after dinner, and then made the mistake of trying to herd them back to their run this afternoon....
Mum and I chased them round the garden for a good half hour, they particularly liked hiding under the car, and had to be poked out with a handy bit of wood. Boyo didn't look quite so dignified when I rugby tackled him...


  1. What an interesting way to keep fit!

  2. I gave up with the chasing a while ago, and now stick to luring! Raisins seem to work the best, and I go for bits of sweetcorn when I'm desperate. Now they know what my appearance means, and they tend to march back to their run for treats when I come outside :)
