The work space and storage has been tentatively planned, I'm not sure about the actual logistics until I try to move everything in, and actually use the space.
However, one thing has become apparent, there are certain things that need to go!
When I blend fibres on my hackle I'm left with a small section of fluff on the tines. These are the shorter lengths of fibre, they're still lovely and soft, and just fine to use. I've mostly been using them to create my hand spun yarns, and some of them go in various felting kits. However, as I've stepped up production in preparation for Wonderwool, the amount of fluff has been piling up faster than I can use it.
I spin straight from the cloud of fibre when I create corespun yarns, but you can also card this fibre really successfully. If you wanted a larger quantity, I probably have more....
what a beautiful light and airy place, lucky you!