This summer I'll be joining in with the Tour de France knitalong, see the bog button in my sidebar if you want to head over to the blog. Signups are now closed, but before the tour sets off on Thursday (which is also just as I'm heading off on holiday for a week!) we've been invited to create a blog button for our teams. 'm part of team AG2R- LaMondiale, and I'm not very good at playing with words, but I have made a blog button. Hopefully it will win me a prize!

I'm planning on knitting these-

but will be playing catch up, they are not going to fit in the saddle bags while horseriding!
As for Guide Camp, it was lovely, I'm a little sunburnt and tired as I seem to be stuck in to a pattern of waking up at 7am!
I'd now better go and start packing, meant to be moving sometime today if we can ever get hold of our landlady!
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